Wednesday 9 March 2016

Maths Counting on you!

Today we were very busy bees.........
Tyler made numbers on a tens frame.  I found out that I can make 7 using 5 and 2 or 6 and 1 or 4 and 3.
Alannah made numbers on a tens frame.  I found out that I can use the tens frame to count by twos.
Ben did a personal investigation and found out what time we all get home from school.  I found out that I can use the computer to make graphs. 

Bella did a personal investigation and found out what everyone's favourite colour is in One S.  I found out how to use the graph program on the computer.
Grace did a personal investigation and found out what pets everyone has in One S.  I found out that I can use no colours on the computer to make graphs, just numbers.

Keith made a vegetable dice and rolled it 20 times.  I found out that you need to match the vegetable you roll to the place you put it on a graph.

Have a go at home

Vincent was in teacher group and found out about teen numbers.  He discovered that he can make teen numbers using MAB or unifix blocks.


Mia found out who our favourite singers are in One S

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